Reference for Slide Plug-in

The Site Info Interface

1. Website Title - The title show in browser and site info dialog.


Color Palette Interface

1. HTML Background - Background color of the webpage.
2. Loader Background - Background of the flash.


Appearance Interface - Gallery Basic

1. Transition Effect - The transition of image changing.
2. Image Resize - Scale method of image loader.
3. Show Caption - Enable show caption of images.
4. Caption Position - Position to place the caption.
5. Caption Alignment - Alignment of caption.
6. Caption Color - Color of caption.
7. Caption Background - Caption background color.
8. Transition Time - Transition time of motion.
9. Caption Font Size - Caption font size.
10. Caption Bg. Size - Caption background transparent effect.


Appearance Interface - Navigation Panel

1. Show Navigation Bar - Enable show Navigation Bar.
2. Button Icon - The icon to show in previous and next button. You can choose Thumbnail or Arrow.
3. Background - Background color of the Navigation Bar.
4. Thumbnails Border - Border color of thumbnails.
5. Show Slide Number - Enable show slide number
6. Slide Number - Font Color of slide number
7. Slide Number Background - Slide number display background color.
8. Background Alpha - Background transparent effect of the Navigation Panel.
9. Width - Width of the Navigation Panel.
10. Offset Top - Position offset of Navigation Panel.
11. Thumb. Border Size - Border size of thumbnails.
12. Slide No. Bg Alpha - Slide number background alpha.
13. Hide Delay - Timer for Navigation and Information Bar disappear.
14. Hide Transition Time - Transition time for Navigation and Information Bar fade out.


Appearance Interface - Slideshow

1. Enable Slideshow - Enable slideshow function of gallery.
2. Direction - Direction to change image for slideshow
3. Delay - Delay for each image.


Output Setting Interface

1. Full Screen - Use full screen in the web.
2. Gallery Width - Width of the flash in the web (only activate when Full Screen disable)
3. Gallery Height - Height of the flash in the web (only activate when Full Screen disable)
4. Image Max Width - Maximum Width of image in gallery.
5. Image Max Height - Maximum Height of image in gallery.
6. Thumb Max Width - Maximum Width of image in thumbnail.
7. Thumb Max Height - Maximum Height of image in thumbnail.
8. Jpeg Quality - Jpeg quality.