Reference for FotoTunnel CS



forward() Move forward.
backward() Move backward.
load() Load xml source.
start() Start the tunnel.
stop() Stop the tunnel.



Availability Flash Player 9.

Edition Flash CS3.

Usage FotoTunnel.forward()

Returns None

Description Method; Move forward.

Code Example :




Availability Flash Player 9.

Edition Flash CS3.

Usage FotoTunnel.backward()

Returns None

Description Method; Move backward.

Code Example :




Availability Flash Player 9.

Edition Flash CS3.

Usage FotoTunnel.load(xml)


xml: URL of external xml file. Or XML object.

Returns None

Description Method; Load the xml source and setup FotoTunnel

Code Example :

//Load the source xml named photo.xml.  



Availability Flash Player 9.

Edition Flash CS3.

Usage FotoTunnel.start()

Returns None

Description Method; Start the tunnel if xml is loaded and the tunnel not started yet.

Code Example :

//Load the xml   FotoTunnel_mc.load("photo.xml"); //Start



Availability Flash Player 9.

Edition Flash CS3.

Usage FotoTunnel.start()

Returns None

Description Method; Stop the tunnel when the tunnel is in started state.

Code Example :


To use event, you need to import the library:





itemClick ItemEvent.CLICK

Broadcast when mouse clicked on the item.

itemMouseOver ItemEvent.MOUSE_OVER Broadcast when mouse over on the item.
itemMouseOut ItemEvent.MOUSE_OUT Broadcast when mouse move outside the item after mouse over.
popupClose ItemEvent.CLOSE Broadcast when thumbnail close after popup.
popupOpen ItemEvent.OPEN Broadcast when thumbnail popup completed.
complete Event.COMPLETE Broadcast when the all buffer images loaded.

Code Example :

import com.digicrafts.controls.*;    
function itemH(event:ItemEvent):void {
switch(event.type) {
//Mouse Over Event
case ItemEvent.MOUSE_OVER:
//do something when mouse over an item
//You can get the item item by
//You can get the data object by
// You can get parameter inside data object by
//Mouse Out Event
case ItemEvent.MOUSE_OUT:
//do something when mouse out an item
//Mouse Click Event
case ItemEvent.CLICK:
//do something when mouse click an item
//Thumbnail Open
case ItemEvent.OPEN:
//do something when the thumbnail popup
//Thumbnail Close
case ItemEvent.CLOSE:
//do something when the thumbnail close after popup




Default Value

Possible Value

Get the DataProvider for the components  
source String The path to the xml generate by Photoshop Web Gallery Function, Flickr rss or Youtube rss.
url to the xml file
useThumbnail Boolean Determine the use of thumbnail image in the xml source as image. true true/false
proxy String The proxy script for cross domain issue.   url to the proxy script
autostart Boolean Enable auto start when xml and image loaded
itemCount Number The item count in each circle of the tunnel 10 Positive Number
itemWidth Number The prefer width of each item (in 3D scale) 100 Positive Number
itemHeight Number The prefer height of each item (in 3D scale) 100 Positive Number
itemDistance Number Distance between each level of circular item. 0 Positive Number
itemRotation Number Vertical rotation of each item 0 +/- 180
perspective Number The perspective of the camera view 100 Positive Number
radius Number Radius of the circular item. 120 Positive Number
rotationOffset Number Rotation offset of each level of circular item. 0 +/- 180
curvature Number The degree of circular item occupied. 360 0 - 360
defaultRotation Number Deafult rotation for each level of circular item. 0 +/- 360
popupWidth Number Set the prefer width of popup thumbnail 200 Positive Number
popupHeight Number Set the prefer height of popup thumbnail 200 Positive Number
popupAutoScale Boolean Enable/Disable the auto scale function of popup thumbnail. When autoscale enabled, the item will scale to orignal image size specify in the xml. true true/false
dof Number Enable/Disable depth of field effect 1 1/0
itemAlpha Number Set the alpha value of the items 1 0.0 - 1.0
itemDim Number Set the dim value of the items 0 0.0 - 1.0
itemDimColor Number Set the color for dim items 0x000000 Color Value
itemOverEffect String Set the effect when mouse over on an item. GLOW GLOW,NONE
itemOverColor Number Set the color for dim items 0xFFFFFF Color Value
cameraFollowMouse Number Enable/Disable camera follow mouse effect 1 1/0
mouseWheelAction String Determine the action do when mouse wheel scroll on the components area. SCROLL SCROLL, ROTATE, NONE
mouseDragAction String Determine the action do when mouse drag on the components area. ROTATE SCROLL, ROTATE, NONE
itemClickAction String The instance name of dynamic text field use for hold the caption. d Any instance name of dynamic text field
keyboardControl Boolean Enable/Disable the motion control by keyboard. Up arrow: move forward. Down arrow: move backward. Left arrow: rotation left. Right arrow: rotation right true true/false
captionTargetName String The instance name of dynamic text field use for hold the caption.   Any instance name of dynamic text field
forwardButtonTargetName String The instance name of Button/SimpleButton use to control the tunnel move forward   Any instance name of Button/ SimpleButton
backwardButtonTargetName String The instance name of Button/SimpleButton use to control the tunnel move backward   Any instance name of Button/ SimpleButton
loaderSkin String The class name use of the skin for the loading animation   Any class name of movieclip symbol
Item Parameter Name Description
1 source The path to the xml generate by Photoshop Web Gallery Function, Flickr rss or Youtube rss.
2 useThumbnail Enable/disable using thumbnail image defined in the xml for image source.
3 autostart Enable auto start when xml and image loaded
4 proxy The proxy script for cross domain issue.
Item Parameter Name Description
1 itemWidth The prefer width of each item (in 3D scale)
2 itemHeight The prefer height of each item (in 3D scale)
3 itemCount The item count in each circle of the tunnel
4 itemDistance Distance between each level of circular item.
5 radius Radius of the circular item.
6 perspective The perspective of the camera view
7 cameraX The x position of camera.
8 cameraY The y position of camera.
9 itemRotation Vertical rotation of each item
10 rotationOffset Rotation offset of each level of circular item.
11 curvature The degree of circular item occupied.
12 defaultRotation Deafult rotation for each level of circular item.
Item Parameter Name Description
1 cameraFollowMouse Enable/Disable camera follow mouse effect
2 itemClickAction Determine the action do when mouse click on item.
3 mouseWheelAction Determine the action do when mouse wheel scroll on the components area.
4 mouseDragAction Determine the action do when mouse drag on the components area.
Item Parameter Name Description
1 keyboardControl Enable/Disable the motion control by keyboard. Up arrow: move forward. Down arrow: move backward. Left arrow: rotation left. Right arrow: rotation right
2 forwardButtonTargetName The instance name of Button/SimpleButton use to control the tunnel move forward
3 backwardButtonTargetName The instance name of Button/SimpleButton use to control the tunnel move backward
4 captionTargetName The instance name of dynamic text field use for hold the caption.
Item Parameter Name Description
1 dof Enable/Disable depth of field effect
2 itemOverEffect Set the effect when mouse over on an item.
3 itemOverColor Set the color for dim items
4 itemAlpha Set the alpha value of the items
5 itemDimColor Set the color for dim items
6 itemDim Set the dim value of the items
7 popupAutoScale Enable/Disable the auto scale function of popup thumbnail. When autoscale enabled, the item will scale to orignal image size specify in the xml.
8 popupWidth Set the prefer width of popup thumbnail
9 popupHeight Set the prefer height of popup thumbnail
10 loaderSkin The class name use of the skin for the loading animation
Item Parameter Name Description
Load Preset Button
Save Preset Button