IAP Manager

IAP Manager


IAP Manager is a simple helper to simplifying the setup of in-app-purchase for mobile game. It supports Apple app store, Google play store and Amazon Kindle app store (with Amazon IAP plugin).

With the IAP Manager, you don't need to write the code for handling the IAP flow. Simply drop the IAPManager prefab and fill in the IAP product information. All the IAP flow will handle by the IAP Manager.

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  • Simple setup with prefab

  • Fill in the product ids and done.

  • Auto setup buy button for each product.

  • Auto fill Text UI for product information .

  • Support nGUI

  • Auto verify receipt in client side

  • Capture events for each purchase status.

  • Supports Apple, Google and Amazon App Store.

  • Support IAP 1.7.0+ (Amazon,Samsung added)

  • Can use in Personal, Plus and Pro version

  • PlayMaker Action Supported

  • IAP Manager requires Unity Purchasing Services and Amazon IAP v2 SDK

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